Usual routines. Typical routines yang dirindui. Hari-hari.
Some awere just pure tragedy :')
My fourth year in IIUM indirectly made (read: forced) (I think Deng might have a better word for this pardon my limited vocabulary pls) me to step out from my shell a little while. Mix around with new faces. Brainstorming with people that I have never imagined I will ever talk to. But, at the end of the day, I learnt a lot. Credit to Prof I hehe
And, give everyone equal chance. Don't la let other people's words (yang most of the time baseless) affect your judgment. If we are talking about impression, then it is applicable la kot. Give him or her chance to show who they really are. Give yourself chance to get to know the person first. These 'new faces' are among the sweetest people that I've met in IIUM.
This was not new but I felt proud if Deng and I were rajin enough to jalan kaki all the way to HS just to chill and had our teh ais (read: cuci mata also because mhmm). It may not be the best roti canai in the world la (for me). Tapi the fact that our serious, not so serious but juicy and sometimes educational chats ( dont give me that look Deng) were always accompanied with teh ais and roti canai 2 keping minimum, haih. Memori biasa-biasa yang akan dikenang sampai ke hari tua.
I miss going to classes. Right now, not the classes itself la. The journey. The waiting period before the previous class ends. The hottest bawang of the week that we will discuss. Rindu :(
Suddenly, the time to say goodbye comes closer. There's always reminder popped up everyday that screams 'IT'S ALMOST THE END'.
MAY - JUNE 2018
We're almost getting there but it was still blurry. I refused (read: malas) to gather my thoughts properly and plan for the life after IIUM. I just could not. There were only maybe and kot.
Tapi there's a few highlights that worth to mention la. First,
It was so hot and overwhelming. Too early to tell whether I made the right choice or not. We'll see it soon hihu.
I am so proud that these two are among the forces that managed to created a night that had it own spot in my box of memories.
I am so proud that these two are among the forces that managed to created a night that had it own spot in my box of memories.
My plus one couldn't make it (you know who you are) but it's ok. We've spent countless night (and day) together and we will do it until we kerepot ok inshaallah. love you tembikai muahx.
This month also marked the last Ramadhan I've spent with my girls, in IIUM.
Precious moments kept piling up at this stage. Some were halal. Some were not so halal but hehe.
Classes, deadlines, meetings, practices and finally,
![]() |
my favorite team dont fight me |
As I was digging my pictures, forcing my brain to recall significant events of 2018, I've realized that we went through two examination period in a year wow that's a lot. Don't judge me I am an infant adult and still vulnerable to any type of pressure. Excuse meh.
Survived my last paper without my girls. Not the end of the world tapi ralat sikit. Siiikit.
And shit just got real. Real-er (idc I know it's not a word). The time has come. Time for goodbye (s).
Moments like this may seems biasa-biasa je to everyone else. But I cherished every single moments like this, when we were together, walking, talking, gelak-gelak, 'nak makan apa?' , semua lah.
It's 2019 and I still wake up with the hope that the first thing I saw is my thick green curtain and the thought that I will spend another day with my girls. Childish, I know.
Life goes on and we shall meet again soon. Muahx.
Honorable highlights of these months
1. IIUM tour. Finally, janji ditepati.
2. Solo driving. Shah Alam-Johor-Shah Alam.
3. Raya with my new favorite little tembun, Wawah. Yayad, tepi sikit,
See you again. Soon.
p/s - As you can see, the word count might be lesser than usual. There's no other reason for that except tomorrow is Monday and I need to sleep. Bye.
Goodnight babies muahx.
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