Broga, May 2016 |
Not a morning person but I've been dragged into the 'minggu ni kita nak hiking kat mana' bandwagon. Purposely suggested areas around KL, PJ sewaktu dengannya because my body (and brain) malas to endure long car journey heh. My bapak or hereinafter to be referred as Pak Jali suggested Tanjung Tuan as our next destination malam semalam. This idea came from someone yang cakap tak boleh hiking on pagi sabtu because kaki bengkak... Sorry pak, not this week.
Bukit Sapu Tangan made my thighs, my back eh basically the whole body ah keras kejung for almost three days. And ya alllah look at the sweats on my sweatshirt!! What was I thinking.. dah la pakai skechers yang meant for walking je :').
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Bukit Jambul, August 2018 |
Went to Bukit Jambul during my last visit to Penang last year. Guess who muntah on top of the hill ya rabbi buat malu je depan nyonya-nyonya yang decades older than me tapi 10 times healthier :') And they were so concerned siap bagi gula2 to get rid of the nauseousness aiya
Bukit Gasing, January 2019 |
The hike at Bukit Gasing was pleasant la so far. Not challenging as Bukit Sapu Tangan's but very redup and met lotsa cuties heh. So near to Mekti and cfs *hint hint
Bukit Kiara, February 2019 |
My personal favorite trail so far sebab banyak options (and cute sepets heh). Guess who jakun looking at all the expensive cars masa cari parking. Dalam banyak-banyak kereta, ada seketul ferrari k... Sir, I salute your bravery and sempoi-ness :')
If you know me well enough, it's a sin not to know that I loathe moving, exercise to be specific. Sebab tak nak jadi anak derhaka and kena tuduh anti sosial macam beruang hibernate dalam gua je, I've dragged my ass to join the fambam. Well, considering it's a good opportunity to spend my time with my family and my mental state, why not. Belum cuba belum tahu.
After several trips, my body had started to adapt to such activity I think, It didn't hurt so bad like before. Got rid lotsa toxics, both physically and mentally. Met so many nice souls along the trip, Small gestures like a smile, greetings, can make your heart go bunga-bunga ok. No more bunga bunga cinta layu di pusara.
Aaaaand, beside the eye candies, the breakfast trip afterwards aduhai. Teh ais after 40 minutes walking rasa macam syurga. Hopefully, I'll have the courage and semangat to discover more beautiful hills #2019goals
Hillpark, Saujana Utama, September 2018 |
إِنَّا سَخَّرْنَا الْجِبَالَ مَعَهُ يُسَبِّحْنَ بِالْعَشِيِّ وَالْإِشْرَاقِ - 38:18
Indeed, We subjected the mountains [to praise] with him, exalting [ Allah ] in the [late] afternoon and [after] sunrise.
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