February 5, 2019


Hello world, 

Eh birthday kau 3hb ke bukan 13??

Kenapa aku rasa macam birthday kau 4 Feb?

Aku confused bday kau 3/2 ke 13/2

My date of birth is 3rd February 1995. Ya, anda betul, ini jawapan benar dan kukuh berdasarkan fakta bertulis dan tidak bertulis untuk teman-temanku yang (masih dan kadang-kadang) keliru :') And one more thing, bebet's date of birth is 19th February ya bukan 16th. Phew I'm still Bebet's PR after all these years. Not complaining but where's my pay Bet? I want nugget kfc *insert meme kebuluran

Btw, just so you know, it is never important that you remember or forget my birthday. I cherished the fact that there were so many words came from you that lifted me up. Those words worth thousand times more than a birthday wish ok honey(s). Don't feel bad and ask me to kill you. Yes, two people asked me to kill them. Why am I friends with these violent kids? 

Nevertheless, I still can't wait for my birthday every year just to receive and read the wishes. Besides the fact that it is a day to be remembered and appreciated because of Che Ta, it is one of the days that I'll be receiving so many beautiful prayers. I'm not waiting for the day just to feel like I'm the center of the world. It's just I love words. Beautiful and sincere words. Yang ikhlas dan penuh kasih sayang. It doesn't matter if it's a two sentence text or three pages handwritten letter. If you sent me a half ass written text, I know. If you really wish me happiness, I know. 

and thank you. thank you so much. May Allah grant all of the beautiful wishes.

salam ahad salam hujung minggu,
salam tiga february hari yang ku tunggu.


hi bb; I feel like I’ve been such a lame friend to you ever since I became a wife and mother. I wish I could do more.

nanti aku pegi KL lagi aku roger k! and hopefully this time aku dapat pegi yang dekat sikit dengan kau. and nda berapa kalut huhu Tia pls cooperate dear waktu mama mau jumpa chenta yang nun jauh d sana.

anyway, happy birthday my laaaaf! (love + laugh cos you bring both to my life) 🥰 I pray all your doa will be lifted and heard, and may you be given strength to face life as it’s seem to get tougher as we grow. stay beautiful dey :hearts:
Pagi 3 februariku dimulakan dengan ketawa mengilai macam langsuir because of you bb. Thank you and I MISS YOU SO MUCH. 

Ikutkan hati dan perasaan, I wanna paste and comment on each of the wish/text etc I've received tapi malas lah deknon nanti kalau rajin I'll do that. Or perhaps when I have 93429 things to do, I'll do the appreciation post first. 24 and still a champ being a procrastinator *wink

I am still questioning my decision to follow cakejalantiung at this moment tau. Laying on your bed and scrolling instagram on your bed for hours padahal hang dah mangkit since subuh wow morning person gitu   is unhealthy yknow. Scroll punya scroll, this one particular picture  came up. Beliau timbul since January ok terseksa zahir batin ku. I was drooling and I know ini harus dihentikan!

Fana, my sister from another mother another father who was born a month before me, is an angel. An angel who bernafsu tengok edible pretty things hahaha. Dah order dah bayar baru nampak a prettier cheesecake with real flowers on it hshshsh and on top of that the pink cake in the picture is so masam y'alls thank god Fana can habiskan #boyfriendoftheday. Oh not to forget, the creampuffsaurus and beyoncepuffs taste like heaven. Explosive and heavenly. So good mashaallah. I WANT MORE. Dalam gambar nampak kecik but irl cukup je for two people hehe. 

Nak repeat lagi, SO SOOOO GEWD KASDKDHADDJKDJAJAS yes it's that sedap sampai eja macam terencat akal. Please try if you havent do so and buy me one thanks. Anyway, with beautiful setup and instagramable dessert, nothing can stop our bawang session. It's not purely bawang lah but we talked a lot about of so many things. Bila teringat balik, wow since when do we got here? It felt like yesterday I was discussing with Fana about kpop stuff (WE STILL DO NOW YA ALLAH ENTAH BILA NAK TAUBAT). Sekarang, 50% of the conversation borak pasal adult stuff. Among our friends, we are not only the early 95er but also who stepped in first into the the adult slash working life slash dunia orang tua bangun awal tido cepat because penat world. Anyway, salah satu konklusi atau target atau cita-cita yang semoga kesampaian ialah nak pergi hiking sama-sama. Mari sama-sama duduk dalam bulatan pegang tangan dan berdoa Fana beli seluar jogging beliau.

This chicken teriyaki rice bowl is SEDAP JUGAK mashaallah. Will come back next time. Jarang tau a malay  cafe makes me wanna come again. 

Thank you bb for spending your precious Sunday with me. Muahx! Let's try to do this every year because we live so close from each other hahaha you can never escape me mwahaha. Love you!

23 rasa macam muda lagi kan. Dah 24 rasa macam ee eh entahlah tua ke

It's a tough journey ahead but let stay strong and fearless together. Happy (belated) birthday Fana.

24 and still clueless. 

I have so many things to talk about in this post but ya allah gue stress Apis kept knocking on my door so nantilah. Bye!