July 28, 2019

Dear my sayang T,

Hi assalamualaikum my baby sayang intan payung,

Maybe you'll be able to read this five or six years from now or maybe earlier than that #asianparenting.

Taliaa sayang,

Please be informed that I love you so much even though we are not related by blood or anything, bau-bau bacang pun takde yang oi.

It is because honey, you are so precious. You are the living proof that your mother is an amazing woman.

I look at your pictures when I'm stressed at work or I need to unleash some bad vibes. Thank you bb. I used to read back my conversation/dms/etc with your mommy and auntie Deng (eh still do and it's hard to do it in public #iykwim)

From day 1 until today, your mom did her best and everything she could for you. For you to see the beauty that still exist in this world and inshaallah in hereafter.

Happy 1 year old Tia!

I prayed nothing but the best for you. Grow up beautifully and live your life to the fullest.
Do whatever it takes to be happy (as long as halalan toyyibah). 

I hope you'll grow to be a beautiful and funny(est) person like your mommy.
There's another 'Dayah' out there waiting for you to reach out to her and create so many memories with her.

take care bb. love you muahx